Thursday, January 6, 2011

Waka Waka

Guess I should get started on this whole blog thing.  I've never kept a blog (or a journal for that matter) so I'm kindve winging this whole thing.  The title of my blog, "This Time for South Africa", actually has quite a bit of meaning for me.  It's a play on lyrics from the World Cup anthem, Waka Waka by Shakira, which sounds like a pretty shallow title, however I've realized that watching the World Cup exposed me to a bunch of South African culture, eventually solidifying my desire to study abroad there.  Upon looking at translations of the song online, I have learned that the song has roots in African culture-- "Tsamina" or "Zangalewa" was originally sung by a group called the Golden Sounds from Cameroon in 1986.  In fact, the song became so popular that the group changed their name to Zangalewa later on.  The song was a tribute to the battles in World War II, and is still sung by people all over Africa as a training or rallying song for policemen, military, athletes and their supporters.  It is also used throughout Cameroon as a marching song, as the majority of the population know the chorus by heart.  Music historians have also said the song is a criticism of black military officials who joined with whites to oppress their own people. WHOA. Who knew this seemingly simple World Cup song would have such deep meaning?

Here's a link to the original song, in case you were interested:

Waka Waka (time for Africa) Original

The literal translation of Waka Waka is "do it" as in perform a task.  And that's what I'm planning to do during my five month stay in South Africa- my task is to learn about the country and culture and use it to better those around me.  I will be spending 2 days a week volunteering at a grassroots organization (TBD) and 3 days taking classes at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town.  The program is through Marquette University so I don't know anyone else in the program, which is so exciting, and is definitely one of my favorite aspects of the program.  I will be thrown out of my comfort zone, living in a house with 19 people I have never met, in a country I have never been to, with a culture that is unlike any I have ever seen.  Bring it on South Africa. I'm ready.

I leave in six days for a little traveling around the country with my uncle before I move into the Kimberley House on January 22nd.

This time is for South Africa.

Katie B.


  1. Six more days woo woo !!!!

  2. Great first blog Katie!

  3. Love the attitude Katie! And I agree, this time for South Africa :)

  4. bahh im so happy for you! keep the emails comin chica:)

  5. School On Monday? Have you been there yet? The weather sucks here, wish I was back there.......
